My first visit to my parent’s place

When I was about couple of weeks old, I went to Calcutta and then Kandi. My mother told me that it was a really tough time for her. She was not able to sleep all the night, could not take rest during the day – because, I was always her priority.

Initially, she was in Calcutta for couple of weeks and then went to Kandi and stayed there for about a month and a half. I really enjoyed my stay in Kandi. It was a peaceful place. My mother also seemed to be quite relaxed at her own home. Lots of people came to meet me. I did not know them and hence gave them a surprised look – but, they did not mind.

After that, it was time to be back home. My father came to Calcutta to bring us back. He was quite surprised to see me after about three months. He told me that, I looked different. He took my this picture when I was looking at something leaning on my mother’s shoulder.

The zeroth day!

I heard it from my parents. My mother went to the hospital on 24th afternoon. My father and my grand parents were also there. My father stayed back in the hospital in the night and there was nothing more than some standard hospitalization formalities and medical check-ups. I could feebly hear my parents were discussing something about me, but could not make out what because, my mother fell asleep and I lost the connection.

However, the next day my mother was taken to the operation theater in the morning. And my father and grand parents were waiting outside.

After sometime, I could sense something different was going on. My ears were becoming numb, I became tense and felt something was getting stretched around me and some muffled noise which was continuously increasing.

I found someone was cutting out my comfortable tent where I was from the beginning of senses. And then, something different and very disturbing, blazing which made me irritated – I knew later that, it was ‘light’. I was very uncomfortable with this ‘light’ and cried – then something came around me and took me out of my tent. And cut my food line with my mother.

I was surprised because, I was fine and comfortable in my cozy tent. And I do not know why I was taken out of that (seriously, I did not even asked for that). I disagreed and cried – it was pretty cold outside. I was shivering. Then I was put to some place – very flat and hard and it was paining. Someone was cleaning me. When I was trying to come to terms to the situation – then suddenly I was wrapped with something around me which itches and was lifted on air. My head was reeling – could not see a thing and there are extremely loud noise and light. And, I was takenĀ  out of the operation theater – I could vaguely remember that there were some silhouettes which were around me. They were perhaps my father or grand parents or someone who were there. And that is all about the zeroth day which I remember.

I have asked my father, well this was my experience, how did you find me at that time.
He came out with a crappy picture of mine. He told me he had taken it from his cell phone. He usually claims that he is a passionate photographer – but, I am still clueless how come he did not have his camera at that time.

And here is my first pic – you decide!